Sunday, September 8, 2024
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A hundred years ago, the disease, worsening the human cognitive abilities, was not thoroughly studied. A doctor named Alzheimer was the first to study the patient’s brain with such a problem and found changes in the cellular structure. He described the disease. Since when doctors found similar symptoms, they referred to this condition as Alzheimer’s disease.

Breakthrough, of which no one speaks

Of course, it would be good if nobody was to know about the disease. Nevertheless, millions of people suffer from it, and the number of cases is constantly growing. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive degenerative disorder, due to which brain cells are damaged. This leads to problems with memory, thinking and speech skills, in addition, it causes changes in behavior. A distinctive feature of the disease are structural changes in the brain. There are diagnostic tests that allow them to notice, but they are expensive and not available everywhere. For most, the diagnosis is made only on symptoms.

At the same time, no one says that impressive results have been found in recent decades. It is still not possible to find a medicine or a method of treatment, but there are a lot of experiments demonstrating that a correct lifestyle and healthy habits can greatly reduce the risk of the disease. For several years, researchers have followed people between the ages of sixty and seventy-seven with a high risk of illness. Those who changed their habits and began to follow the diet, train and strain the mind, were much more positive than those who did not change their lives. If you decide to prevent the disease at a young age, your result will be even more significant. So, let’s find out what needs to be done to cope with the disease.

Physical activity

If there was a drug that could protect the brain cells and stimulate the appearance of new ones, would you like to know about it, right? Well, it exists. You do not even need a prescription! Physical activity is the most effective remedy for Alzheimer’s disease, as shown by a multitude of studies. People who train at least three times a week for at least fifteen minutes reduce the risk of developing the disease, even if they have a genetic predisposition to it. What habits will help achieve the goal and increase physical activity?

Walk a few kilometers a day

A simple walk gives impressive results for the brain. Studies have shown that people who travel twenty kilometers a week retain more gray matter in the brain cells than those who walk less.

More often dance

Studies have shown that dancing reduces the risk of dementia much more effectively than other types of physical activity. If you regularly dance in a group or with a partner, you also communicate, in addition, learning new movements strengthens your intellect.

Eating foods rich in antioxidants

There is no single variant of the nutrition program that provides brain health, there are many different diets and methods of preparation that have beneficial effects on cognitive abilities. Either way, it’s always a diet rich in plant products, with a minimum of processed food. In the diet should be leafy greens, vegetables, nuts, berries, legumes, whole grains, fish, chicken, olive oil and wine. From red meat, butter, margarine, cheese, sweets and fast food should be discarded. For the right diet, develop the following two habits!

Start eating with a servings of vegetables

Studies have shown that people who regularly eat vegetables several servings a day significantly slow the rate of deterioration in cognitive abilities. Those who eat only one serving, this effect is not observed.

Add seasonings and spices Herbs and spices add flavor to the dish, which allows you to consume a minimum of oil and salt. Curry and turmeric contain antioxidants that reduce the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s, and

also protect the body from cancer, arthritis and depression. Add turmeric to the omelet, sprinkle with it baked vegetables or rice.

Time for friends

If you meet regularly with friends, you will be able to keep the youth of your brain. Elderly people who regularly go to meetings with friends or relatives face a much lower rate of deterioration in cognitive abilities than those who do not have communication. Achieve the next two habits to help you!

Make new friends

Studies have shown that many people are sure that it is difficult to get acquainted. In fact, it’s easier than it seems. If the participants of the experiment spoke with strangers while driving in public transport, they felt better than if they were sitting alone.

Make parties

Think about who to invite and what to submit to the table. This will make your brain work harder and help you have a great time.

Exercise for the brain

If you do not force your brain to work hard, its functions are gradually weakened. According to research data, elderly people who regularly perform exercises for the brain are less likely to experience dementia. Read, play board games or musical instruments, collect puzzles – all this will help the growth and development of new brain cells and strengthen the connections between them. Be sure to try to impart to yourself two new habits.

Read More

Reading can fill your brain with knowledge. This is an excellent remedy for protection against dementia, because new knowledge will in any case positively affect your brain cells and neural connections between them. Read and art, and educational literature, make notes or write out quotes to actively perceive information and better remember it.

Learn to draw or sculpt

Elderly people who paint, sculpt or draw, seventy-three percent less likely to face cognitive problems than those who are not engaged in any creativity. Drawing, for example, helps to focus attention, so this hobby will be an effective tool in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

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