Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Get brief information about erectile dysfunction in men

Almost all men may face difficult times in their life when they fail to accomplish or uphold a hard erection while making love their female partner. Men are too familiar with the regret of being helpless of getting an erection-on-demand or losing an erection at a loving moment with their partner or spouse. Not all, but some men who experience recurrent erection failures during intimacy are likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction or impotency. Erectile dysfunction is a most common ailment characterized by the man’s inability to get or uphold a hard erection for a long time to make sensual intercourse session with his partner.

Feelings and sentiments of men allied with repeated erection failures
The consistent failures to get or maintain an erection may cause men to experience certain emotions including awkwardness, guilt, anger, irritation, frustration, and displeasure. These emotions can develop the feeling of insecurity in impotence men that causes them to face loss in their self-esteem and self-confidence. The loss of self-respect and self-confidence can directly hit their sense of manhood and makes feel vulnerable in pleasing their partners in bed. Impotent men get so worried or concerned about their sensual performance that they start isolating themselves from their partner because they fear their partners might abuse, blame, or criticize them for their failure to make love.

Basic physiology of getting an erection of the male penile shaft

The erection of penile shaft occurs because of a complex interaction of psychological, neural, vascular and endocrine factors, and is often connected with sensual excitation. Physiologically, erection generally occurs due to activation of parasympathetic nervous system that causes the liberation of nitric oxide in the trabecular arteries and smooth muscle of the male penile shaft. This causes the corpora cavernosa of the male penile arteries to relax and widen that further fill the penile arteries with blood and causes a hard erection of the male penile shaft. Erectile dysfunction occurs when there is improper blood supply to the male penile shaft because of any reason.

Underlying factors accountable for causing impotency in men

Here is a quick summary of just some of the physical factors responsible for causing erectile dysfunction in adult men including low body’s testosterone level, cardiac diseases like stroke, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, spinal cord injury or nerve damage, Parkinson’s disease, and prostate surgery or ailments, renal ailments. Sometimes, excessive utilization of certain drugs like antidepressants, antihistamines, and anti-hypertensive may cause erectile dysfunction in men. Several emotional factors that could also play a major role in causing erectile dysfunction in men including anxiety, depression, relationships stress or havoc, and past sensual trauma. These days, many men became a victim of erectile dysfunction because of certain lifestyle factors including smoking, excessive alcoholism, lack of physical activity, porn addiction, excessive masturbation, and sleeplessness.

Keep in touch with healthy lifestyles to prevent impotency

The best way for men to protect themselves from the crisis of erectile dysfunction is by making healthy lifestyle choices and managing any existing health condition. An impotent man should communicate his trouble with his partner so that she might offer help or support him to overcome this crisis. It is also crucial for impotent men that they should stop smoking, limit or avoid alcohol consumption, and illegal drugs. They should also exercise regularly and take steps to reduce their stress.

First-line drugs utilized to treat erectile dysfunction in men

The good news is that there are many anti-impotence drugs accessible in the market for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, and most men will find a solution that works for them. Among all anti-impotence drugs, PDE-5 blockers like Sildenafil CitrateTadalafilVardenafilAvanafil are the highly appraised anti-impotence treatments for men dealing with erectile dysfunction. These drugs cause the male penile shaft to erect harder during intimacy so that a man can stay longer in bed with his woman for well-pleased sensual intercourse session. The main role of a PDE-5 blocker is that it prevents the breakdown of cGMP produced in the male penile zone when a man gets sensually excited for the intimacy. An excess mounted quantity of cGMP causes the arteries present in the male penile shaft to relax and widen. This augments the blood flow into the male genital area that results in a hard erection for a long time.

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